Please use the form below to submit your abstract until January 25th February 8th. The abstract should contain enough information for it to be evaluated for its acceptance, a reasonable length for this abstract should not be longer than one page.

After acceptance, authors will have three options:

  1. Resubmit the accepted abstract, which will be printed in the book of abstracts handed out to participants at congress.
  2. Submit an extended version of the accepted abstract, but just an abstract, with an absolute maximum length of two pages (about 8000 characters), which will be printed in the book of abstracts.
  3. Submit a full paper for the book of proceedings to be published by Springer in its collection “Geostatistics and Quantitative Geology”. The paper will be peer reviewed and its abstract will be printed in the book of abstracts.

In addition, we have reached an agreement with the Editor-in-Chief of Mathematical Geosciences to produce a special issue with papers from the congress.

  • Cut and paste your abstract. You may repeat title and author, and include co-authors. Do not include equations or figures. This abstract will be used for evaluation purposes.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
